Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chase is getting old!

Chase, new haircut, and current favorite book.


  1. Your kids are so cute. I love the new hair cut and the buzz lightyear wings.

  2. Hey danelle... I stumbled on your blog from Jess tailors blog. I can't believe your boys. Man, nice work. I couldn't believe it until I realized that yeah, it's been like 8 years since we lived together... Yikes. I love that name chase. I have a nephew named chase and he's my totally fave. His favorite thing to do is to sell you car insurance. Yeah, he's 5. What a weirdo. It looks like you are doing good. It's so awesome jt is in Portland now. I live about and hour south of her. It's gonna be so awesome to see her every now and then. Let me know if you are ever planning a trip to Oregon. I'm glad I can blog stalk you now! Take care lady!

  3. Oh my gosh... This is ridiculous.... I ment, ment Taylor. I really do know how to talk and spell... It's this stupid predictive text on my iPhone. This thing is way over my head.
